The BLAZON Report Card

Over 100 Things to Grow Your Sales on Amazon

The complete list of action items to grow your sales on Amazon. Utilize the BLAZON report card as a quick reference to see just how much of Amazon's programs you're taking advantage of.

Everything From Account Settings to Advanced Seller Programs

Don't get caught with stagnant sales, twiddling your thumbs. Most sellers barely even scratch the surface of all the tools available to them. In reality, if you're using everything you can, you'll never run out of things to do on Amazon.

Do It All, and Then Some

This comprehensive look at the tools, programs, and opportunities is unparalleled. Stay ahead of your competition by going deeper than other sellers are willing to.

Some of these items are things that you do once, and then you're all set. But the strategies included in this worksheet give sellers the ability to continually optimize their products and processes to ensure you're never done growing.

Whether you're growing your Brand Followers, testing alternative versions of your Brand Store, or using in depth data from A/B tests, Product Opportunity Explorer research, and search term reports to increase conversion rate. You'll always be growing on Amazon.

Listing Optimization

Advertising Opportunities

Growth Programs

Fulfillment Settings

Off-Amazon Tools

Operations Best Practices

Brand Management Strategies

Organic Growth Systems

Customer Service Action Items

Account Health SOPs